Dec 19, 2013

Other markings, pt. 7: Hair Dye George

While fixing unconstitutional dollar bills the other day, I stumbled upon yet another interesting marking:

Not anywhere near as offensive as the last stamping I found (see recent post).

Reminds me of StrongBad's blue hair.

Dec 13, 2013

Hate Speech on a Dollar Bill

Here's a rather nasty mark I found whilst fixing unconstitutional dollar bills the other day. It reads "Every founding father was a protestant. Let us honor them and their wishes. Stand against the heathen newcomers. God bless America."

WOW. All I can say is WOW. What a perfect example of the disgusting, xenophobic sentiments truly buried behind the phrase "In God We Trust"! Let's analyze this line-by-line:

  1. Line 1 is patently false. Most founding fathers were deist or refused to acknowledge a religion out of a (responsible & understandable) fear that such acknowledgment would lend govt-backed authority to that religion. Plus, the "we should follow the founding fathers" card is overplayed. Sure, they're worthy of honor because they put their necks on the line in the Revolution, but they are not gods nor saints, nor should we treat them as such. 
  2. Line 2 is vague and presumptuous.
  3. Line 3 is where it turns from ignorant to hateful and just plain 'ol un-American. America is founded on acceptance of newcomers. It's what the Statue of Liberty represents: "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...". It's what "E Pluribus Unum" means. To "stand against" those of a certain religion is bigotry, plain and simple.
  4. Don't tell God what to do with his dice blessings.

There's no doubt this hate speech is tied to the printing of the unconstitutional "In God We Trust" on Fed currency.

Anyway, I fixed this bill before re-spending it:

What do you think? Looks better now?

Dec 10, 2013

Other Markings, pt.6: Briana?

Another marking I found while stamping bills with's message:

Why would Briana write her name on a dollar bill? Doesn't make sense, but ok.

Dec 9, 2013

Similar Site by GodlessBastard

I got an email the other day from the administrator of, who seems to have a page similar to mine:

His site blocks out "In God We Trust" in a more Atheistic fashion that the way does, and his website has an antitheist schtick about it. Keep in mind that BillStamp is not an atheist, agnostic, nonreligious, or antitheist website. BillStamp is a secular website. This means that while all BillStamp supporters all have their own religious beliefs, those beliefs are irrelevant when talking about the Separation of Church and State.

The Separation of Church and State is something anyone can get behind, provided they respect and care about religious minorities. An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere. And if you're one of the few people who think they are safe from persecution because they are in the majority, remember this: Majorities are relative, and majorities are temporary. So when your point of view is in a downswing of popularity, and you are experiencing persecution, don't come crying to the ones you washed your hands of.

Dec 1, 2013